Conversational AI

What is conversational AI?

The term conversational AI chatbots (artificial intelligence) refers to technologies, like virtual assistants or chatbots, that can “talk” to people (e.g., answer questions).

Conversational AI ChatBots are often used in customer service. They can be found on websites, online stores, and social media channels. AI technology can effectively speed up and streamline answering and routing customer inquiries.

Conversational AI Chatbots

We create and train AI ChatBots for your business. Click to View BusyBot Solutions.

How does conversational AI work?

Conversational AI primarily works thanks to two functions. The first is machine learning. To put it simply, machine learning means that the technology “learns” and improves the more it’s used. It collects information from its own interactions. It then uses that information to improve itself as time goes by.

The result is a system that will work better six months after you add it to your website and even better than that a year down the line.

The second is called natural language processing, or NLP for short. This is the process through which artificial intelligence understands language. Once it learns to recognize words and phrases, it can move on to natural language generation. This is how it talks with your customers.

For example, if a customer messages you on social media, asking for information on when an order will ship, the conversational AI chatbot will know how to respond. It will do this based on prior experience answering similar questions and because it understands which phrases tend to work best in response to shipping questions.

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